Your Dry Cleaning Pick Up & Delivery Service

We’ve partnered with a trusted dry cleaning partner so that we can pick up your Wash & Fold, and as well as anything else that you may want cleaned, pressed and returned on a hanger.

We follow the care label (and know what all those symbols mean!) so that your clothes get the clean that they deserve. When you send your clothes to Wash Street, you can ditch your iron and those fancy steam machines that you hate to use!

We offer a variety of dry cleaning services, including: regular garments, formal wear, wedding gowns, heirlooming, household items, and outerwear cleaning. We do not offer cleaning services for leather and suede at this time.

Shirt Laundry Services

When your job requires you to wear dress shirts and blazers, the last thing that you want is another task for the day — so, let us do your dry cleaning and pressing for you!

We’ve perfected the cleaning, pressing and packaging of shirts so that you receive them clean, crisp, and wrinkle free. We’ll keep your white shirts brilliantly white, and your colored shirts vibrant. Collars retain their shape, and cuffs are creased to the point of perfection. After pressing, your shirts are hung carefully to ensure that they are ready to wear!